Friday, August 9, 2013

Light Painting Fun

Headed over to GG tint to chill and have a couple beers with the hamies. BUT! I just got my led light in the mail so i had to bring it and test it out. 

And I am now shooting for Fresh On Stance so you will be seeing my pictures with their watermark more often!! Like them on Facebook and IG!!

click pic for HQ

No watermark, thug life.
 Dont drink and drive kids
Really like this pic of keith's Gs

Steven's GS recently has his bags installed by Manny @afterhoursgarage

One of the guys from finest crew modeling for his car. Notice the asian ghost in the wife beater on the right...
 Tommy's bagged tc on bright blue Meisters! Love these wheels. 
Also Owner and founder of FreshOnStance

Having some fun with it.
 Famous guy David aka @Mrseam dropped by with his bagged z4. So duh niceee

Hope you guys enjoyed! Hit me up for photo/video shoots. Till next time!